Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 Projects

  • Title: Generalsed Architecture for dynamic infrastructure services


  • Defi: The Network of the Future

  • Instrument: Integrated Project (IP)

  • Duration: January 2010 - December 2012

  • Coordinator: Interoute (Italy)

  • Others partners: Interoute (Italy), martel Martel GmbH (Switzerland), ADVA AG Optical Networking (Germany), SAP AG (Germany), Alcatel-Lucent Italia S.p.A. (Italy), Telefónica I+D (Spain), Telekomunikacja Polska S.A. (Poland), Instytut Chemii Bioorganicznej PAN, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Centre (Poland), Nextworks s.r.l (Italy), Fundació i2CAT, Internet i Innovació Digital a Catalunya (Spain), Universiteit van Amsterdam (The Netherlands), University of Essex (UK), Research and Education Society in Information Technologies (Greece), Technical University of Braunschweig (Germany), Interdisciplinary Institute for BroadBand Technology VZW (belgium), Indian Institute of Technology (India), LYaTiss (France), ADVA Optica Networking Sp.zo.o. (Poland)

  • Abstract: GEYSERS's vision is to qualify optical infrastructure providers and network operators with a new architecture, to enhance their traditional business operations. Optical network infrastructure providers will compose logical infrastructures and rent them out to network operators; network operators will run cost-efficient, dynamic and mission-specific networks by means of integrated control and management techniques. GEYSERS's concept is that high-end IT resources at users' premises are fully integrated with the network services procedures, both at the infrastructure-planning and connection-provisioning phases. Following this vision, GEYSERS will specify and implement a novel optical-network architecture able to support 'Optical Network + Any-IT' resource provisioning seamlessly and efficiently. Energy-consumption metrics for the end-to-end service routing are part of this efficiency. GEYSERS proposes to:

    Specify and develop mechanisms that allow infrastructure providers to partition their resources (optical network and/or IT), compose specific logical infrastructures and offer them as a service to network operators. This will be done overcoming the current limitations of networks/domain segmentation, and will support dynamic and on-demand changes in the logical infrastructures

    Specify and develop a Network Control Plane for the optical infrastructure, by extending standard solutions (ASON/GMPLS and PCE), able to couple optical network connectivity and IT services automatically and efficiently, and provide them in 1 step, dynamically and on-demand, including infrastructure re-planning mechanisms.

    These achievements will enable infrastructure providers, network operators and application providers to participate in new business scenarios where complex services with complex attributes and strict bandwidth requirements can be offered economically and efficiently to users and applications. GEYSERS's outcomes will be validated in an EU-wide optical network test-bed.

  • Title: Scalable and Adaptive Internet Solutions


  • Defi: The Network of the Future

  • Instrument: Integrated Project (IP)

  • Duration: August 2010 - January 2013

  • Coordinator: Ericsson (Sweden)

  • Others partners: Ericsson AB (Sweden), Alcatel-Lucent Deutschland (Germany), Nokia Siemens Networks OY(Finland), NEC Europe LTD (United Kingdom), France Telecom SA(France), Telefónica Investigacion y Desarrollo (Spain), Telecom Italia (Italy), Portugal Telecom Inovação (Portugal), Swedish institute of Computer science (Sweden), Instituto Superior Tecnico Address (Portugal), Universitaet Paderborn (Germany), Aalto-Korkeakoulusäätiö (Finland), Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Sweden), Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung (Germany),Universitaet Bremen (Germany), Hewlett-Packard Limited (United Kingdom), Fundación Tecnalia Research and Innovation (Spain), Institut Telecom (France), Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (Israel), DOCOMO Communication Laboratoties Europe (Germany), The Provost Fellows & Scholars of the College of the Holy and undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth (Ireland), National ICT Australia Limited (Australia), Universidad de Cantabria (Spain), Lyatiss (France)

  • See also: https://twiki.verkstad.net/bin/view/Main/WebHome

  • Abstract: SAIL’s objective is the research and development of novel networking technologies using proof-of-concept prototypes to lead the way from current networks to the Network of the Future. SAIL leverages state of the art architectures and technologies, extends them as needed, and integrates them using experimentally-driven research, producing interoperable prototypes to demonstrate utility for a set of concrete use-cases. SAIL reduces costs for setting up, running, and combining networks, applications and services, increasing the efficiency of deployed resources (e.g., personnel, equipment and energy). SAIL improves application support via an information-centric paradigm, replacing the old host-centric one, and develops concrete mechanisms and protocols to realize the benefits of a Network of Information (NetInf). SAIL enables the co-existence of legacy and new networks via virtualization of resources and self-management, fully integrating networking with cloud computing to produce Cloud Networking (CloNe). SAIL embraces heterogeneous media from fibre backbones to wireless access networks, developing new signaling and control interfaces, able to control multiple technologies across multiple aggregation stages, implementing Open Connectivity Services (OConS). SAIL also specifically addresses cross-cutting themes and non-technical issues, such as socio-economics, inclusion, broad dissemination, standardization and network migration, driving new markets, business roles and models, and increasing opportunities for both competition and cooperation. SAIL gathers a strong industry-led consortium of leading operators, vendors, SME, universities and research centers, with a valuable experience acquired in previous FP7 projects, notably 4WARD. The impact will be a consensus among major European operators and vendors on a well-defined path to the Network of the Future together with the technologies required to follow that path.

  • Title: SPEC on “Security and Privacy Concerns in Energy Efficient Computing”


  • Defi: Future Internet Experimental Facility and Experimentally-driven Research

  • Instrument: Intelligent Energy in Europe

  • Duration: 2010-2012

  • Coordinator: Electricity of Austria

  • Others partners: Berlin Energy Agency, Berlin Institute of Technology, BIO Intelligence Service, Politecnico di Milano, GAIA, ICLEI, University of Coimbra, Seven

  • Abstract:

    The fast development of IT services and IT performance in many areas of the public and private service sector (e.g. administration, health services, entertainment etc.). has led to a rapid increase of energy consumption and energy costs for central IT equipment. EU and US studies (IEE E-Server project 2007, EPA 2007) have shown a strong increase of energy consumption of central IT-hardware and infrastructure during the last years and a growing trend is expected for the future. For EU-27 the energy consumption of central IT hardware and infrastructure (incl. servers, storage, network equipment, cooling) was calculated to 40TWh/a which is equal to 1,5% of the EU electricity consumption. If business-as-usual is continued in the next years a doubling of energy consumption to 80 TWha is expected to occur by 2012 already. A broad implementation of energy efficient technology in the EU however would allow a reduction of energy demand of about 60% compared to the business as usual scenario. Energy efficient technology is available but needs to be broadly implemented in the demand side market. To exploit the enormous saving potentials concerted action is needed across the EU member states. Measures to support energy efficient market development for central IT equipment have been started only recently in 2007. Thus compared to many other areas of technology (lighting, heating, client side IT etc.) activities to support sustainable solutions are quite new and more concerted action is needed to reach a good market impact. The major first initiatives at EU-level were The Green Grid, the Energy Star for servers, the Code of Conduct and the IEE E-Server project. These programmes started to develop guidelines, tools and criteria to support energy efficiency in data centres. However so far only part of the relevant products and technologies could be covered and energy efficiency criteria as well as market supporting instruments are still at an early stage of development and implementation. The proposed project is designed to further enforce energy efficient market development for central IT equipment based on the previous initiatives and with a focus on so far largely uncovered IT hardware including storage and network equipment as well as new power management technologies. The longer term objectives to be supported by the project are to avoid an annual energy consumption of 70TWha in the EU by 2015 compared to business as usual, to support the development of internationally accepted energy efficiency criteria and standards for central IT equipment and to implement energy efficiency as a key target for the major supply and demand side target groups. These goals shall be supported by the further development of energy efficiency criteria to be considered by the demand and supply side market, by the evaluation and demonstration of most energy efficient technology in best practise and by the development and implementation of education, certification and procurement concepts as major instruments to drive the market. The PrimeEnergyIT project deals with :

    • The development and implementation of hardware and service based energy efficiency criteria as major tools to support IT and infrastructure managers in the selection and management of IT hardware and cooling equipment

    • The demonstration and evaluation of energy efficient IT solutions in best practise

    • Education and training of IT managers and experts to support energy efficient procurement and management

    • Implementation of energy efficiency criteria for central IT equipment and cooling in public procurement

    INRIA RESO has been mailny involved in energy efficiency criteria in the context of storage for small and medium datacenters.

EuroNF JRA.S.1.44 project SPEC
  • Title: SPEC on “Security and Privacy Concerns in Energy Efficient Computing”

  • Type: JRA

  • Defi: Future Internet Experimental Facility and Experimentally-driven Research

  • Instrument: EuroNef Project

  • Duration: 2011

  • Coordinator: University of Passau (Germany)

  • Others partners: University of Vienna, CERTH (Greece)

  • Abstract: To design highly energy efficient systems is one of the most important design goals which are under investigation currently. The underlying motifs to design such systems are economical as well as environmental in nature. However, it has been identified that while focusing solely on energy efficiency mechanisms, the other design parameters must also be considered to achieve a well balanced system. Security and privacy aspects are among those very important parameters. This SJRP focuses on the security and privacy aspects involved in the application of modern energy efficiency mechanisms. We focus on two of the key technologies including virtualization for energy efficiency and smart metering. In first part of the project, we investigate the security issues within virtualized environments for energy efficiency while the second part focus on the end user privacy concerns when monitoring physical resources in clouds.

COST Action IC804
  • Title: IC804 COST ACtion on “Energy efficiency for large scale distributed systems”

  • Type: European COST Action

  • Duration: 2009-2013

  • Coordinator: University of Toulouse

  • Others partners: 20 countries

  • Abstract: The main objective of the Action is to foster original research initiatives addressing energy awareness/saving and to increase the overall impact of European research in the field of energy efficiency in distributed systems. The goal of the Action is to give coherence to the European research agenda in the field, by promoting coordination and encouraging discussions among the individual research groups, sharing of operational know-how (lessons-learned, problems found during practical energy measurements and estimates, ideas for real-world exploitation of energy aware techniques, etc.). The Action objectives can be summarized on scientific and societal points of view: sharing and merging existing practices will lead the Action to propose and disseminate innovative approaches, techniques and algorithms for saving energy while enforcing given Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. Laurent Lefèvre is Management Committee member and French representative in this COST action.